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Tuesday, January 8, 2013

2013 Update!

Happy New Year!

This is an event that is coming soon. I have not attended this before, and I know little about it. I became involved in dog events so that my very active dog, chihuahua Chester, could play and socialize. When I went to one fancy dog event, he crashed a fashion show and ran in circles!

So that said, I've primarily attended events where my dog (s) can get his/their 'run' on. I must say, though, Chester is my most athletic canine.

We attend the small dog social group meetup, hosted by Elaine Lewis whenever she holds one. I was very happy when the venue was the west village 'Biscuits and Bath', but that location has not been available for some time. That location offered a lot of space for play, and the option for Elaine to sell dog clothes, and accessories to benefit animal rescue.

  One of the meetup attendees is Bethe Austin, a fantastically talented canine couture designer. She personally creates beautiful outfits for dogs. When you get an item from Bethe, it is one of a kind.

At the last meetup, my princess of a chihuahua, Miss Georgia Peach, became the proud owner of a green and red holiday ensemble, a harness dress with a matching hat. Bethe had taken her measurements, and crafted a perfectly fitting garment.

The outfit is fabulous, especially wonderful that the dress is a functional harness. The button detailing is beautiful.  If you want to go for a custom made creation by Bethe Austin, I highly approve!

 Here is a link:

Through this link you can contact her adorable Yorkie Leetl Luloo Zazu, who can surely relay the message!

1 comment:

  1. your babies are the sweetest and friendliest chi's i have ever met!!!
