Hi. My name is Erica Stein. I am an animal lover, and I share my life with some special ones.
Let me discuss this:
In order of appearance in my life: Sir Reegis P Conklin JR (Feline, age 13)
Princess Pandora Bella Myrtilles MacDougal the Pandelion of Florida (Feline, age 6.5)
Sir Chesterfield Sundae Latte Coco Puff Montgomery (Canine, age 2)
Mr. Cosmopolitan Cosmopolis Kramer (age nearly 2)
Miss Georgia Peachy Peach Ball Fizzy Moon (age 1)
Of course, if the entire name is not used each time the animal is addressed, I demand a quarter. Nobody, and I mean nobody, calls them Chester, Cosmo and Peachy, Conky and Panda!
I believe in making things both long and confusing. I have aquatic friends as well, they are the responsibility of my human pal, Kevin D,
Betta fish, snails, frogs, algae eaters, catfish. The names are his doing, except for that one frog I named Kermit. I did name a snail Lars Ulrich, and he died.
I did stand up for the betta's name. He is named Watty. I really fought not to have his name be Sidney. That's my sister's kidney's name that my brother has (long story).
I didn't want it to be Colin. I lost the fight over the bigger white frog. I wished to call him Jermaine, and he is ACHILLES.
I named the yellow snail Snaily, but he is called Mysteria. That seems ok.
Well, anyway, you can tell that this is my blog about animals. They make me smile every day all day. The only other thing that could do that is consistent inebriation. I don't drink, and I want to smile every day all day.
I raise my glass to poo, cleaning lots of it. It's worth it.Welcome to my animal blog.
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